Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part D

The mongoose who tells stories (Image Source).

This week I need to finish my Mahabharata reading by completing part D. I chose to take my reading notes over the Mongoose short story which is included in part D of the assignment. I have enjoyed the Mahabharata readings and have found them to be extremely interesting.

  • The title of this short story was what immediately grabbed my attention and made me want to read more into this short tale. I wanted to know how the mongoose was involved, what the mongoose did in the story. Anytime there is mention or reference to an animal in a story I find it always draws me in and makes me want to know more about the story and about whats going on. 
  • Stories that are told from an animals point of view are my go to, this is practically what I do when I write my versions of the stories each week. So I was interested to see just how it was done in the Mahabharata. 
  • The story that the mongoose told was short and sweet. I thought that it was very to the point and did not leave the reader with much to confuse or question. 
  • If I were to write a story that was inspired by this one I would chose to write a twist including a more modern angle. My story would also be set with more modern foods and a more modern character. I think that I would have this story be told from my corgis point of view because most of my stories have been told by her or have included her in some way. 
I am interested in reading the other versions this week to see where I want to take my story. I might do a story planning post this week because I have only ever done one in the past and I think that I want to give it another go. 


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